
Professor   Chung- Mo Koo

Ph.D., in Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia, U.S.A.                


Macroeconomics, Money & banking, Public economics, International economics, East Asian economy

email    cmkoo@ctbc.edu.tw



  • 2018-present                Professor Emeritus, Kangwon National University, Korea

  • 2011-2012                     Adjunct Professor, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan

  • 2004-present                Adjunct Professor, Okayama University, Japan

  • 1996-1997                     Visiting Professor, Stanford University, U.S.A.

  • 1988-2018                     Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Kangwon National University, Korea

  • 1986-1987                     Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota, U.S.A.

  • 1984-1986                     Lecturer, Columbia College, U.S.A.

  • 1980-1984                     Teaching Assistant/Instructor, University of Missouri-Columbia, U.S.A.

  • 1979-1980                     Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas, U.S.A


  • 2018-present                President Emeritus, Korean Economic Association  

  •  2017-2018                     President, Korean Economic Association

  •  2015-present                President, Northeast Asia Network for the Future

  •  2015-2016             President, Northeast Asia Professors Association

  •  2008-2009                     President, Association of the Korean Economic Studies

  •  2006-2007                    Vice President, Korean Economic Association

  •  2006-2007             President, Asia-Pacific Economic Forum

  •  2005-2006                     President, Korean Association of Public Finance

  •  2004-present        Vice President, Asia-Pacific Economic Association


  • 2017-present                Member, Advisory Committee, National Assembly Budget Office

  •  2015-2017                     Member, Advisory Committee, National Assembly Research Service

  •  2014-2018                     Chair, Globalization Committee, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Prime Minister’s Office

  •  2014-2016                     Chief PM, Public Finance Network for Economists

  •  2011-2013                     Member, Board of Directors, Hanzhong University

  • 2011-2012                     Chief Consultant, Strategic Review on the Greater Tumen Initiative, UNDP 

  • 2010-present                Advisory Committee Member, Research Institute for Gangwon 

  • 2009-2012                     Member, Advisory Committee for Macroeconomic Policy, Ministry of Strategy & Finance 

  •  2009-2010                     Member, Board of Directors, Sangji University

  •  2006-2008                     Member, Public Fund Policy Committee, Ministry of Planning & Budget

  •  2005-2013                     Member, Tax System Committee, Ministry of Strategy & Finance

  •  2005-2013                     Advisory Committee Member, Korea Institute of Public Finance

  •  2003-2010                     Advisory Committee Member, Chosun Daily News

  •  2003-2006                     Advisory Committee Member, Bank of Korea

Journal Papers

  • The Korean Economy: Creating Space Between China and Japan,” Arindam Banik, Munim Kumar Barai, and Yasushi Suzuki, ed., Towards A Common Future: Understanding Growth, Sustainability in the Asia-Pacific Region, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

  • Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Trade Integration in ASEAN+3,” Korea and the World Economy, Vol.16, No.3, 2015. (co-authored)

  • Oil Shocks and the World Rice Market Puzzle: A Structural VAR Analysis,” Journal of Korea and the World Economy, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2011. (co-authored)

  • Pursuing Green Growth in Asia and the Pacific, Congage Learning Asia, 2010. (co-authored)

  • Fiscal Sustainability and Its Implication for Fiscal Policy in Korea," Journal of the Korean Economy. Vol.9, No.3, 2008.

  • Are Exports of China, Japan and Korea Diverted in the Major Regional Trading Blocks?” The World Economy, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008. (co-authored)

  • Fiscal Performance, Public Debt and Fiscal Consolidation in Korea,” Yoshinori Shimizu, ed., Economic Dynamism of Asia in the New Millenium, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2007.

  • Economic Integration and the Role of a Regional Development Bank in Northeast Asia,” Industry and the Economy, Vol.25, Institute of Industrial Economy, 2007.

  • A Method to Allocate GDP Statistical Discrepancy,” Applied Economics Letters, Vol.13, Routledge, 2006. (co-authored)

  • Economic Dynamism of Asia in the New Millenium, World Sicentific Publishing Co., 2006. (co-authored)

  • Globalization and Contemporary Issues in Public Finance, Yuhikaku: Tokyo, 2005. (co-authored)

  • Debt Sustainability in East Asia after the Financial Crisis,” The Journal of the Korean Economy, Vol.6, No.2, 2005. (co-authored)

  • Fiscal Sustainability in the Wake of the Economic Crisis in Korea,” Journal of Asian Economics, Vol 13, No 2, 2002.

  • Bargaining Equilibrium, Time Consistency and the Phillips Curves,” Proceedings for the 10th International Conference, Korean Economic Association, 2002. (co-authored)

  • Prospects and Challenges for Northeast Asia Free Trade Agreement,” Journal of the Korean Economy, Vol 3, No 1, 2002. (co-authored)

  • New Regionalism in East Asia and Its Relationship with the WTO and APEC,” International Area Review, Vol 5, No 2, 2002. (co-authored)

  • China, the World Trade Organisation and Regional Economic Cooperation,” Tran Van Hoa ed., China's Trade and Investment and Economic Globalisation, Edward Elga Publishing Co., 2000. (co-authored)