2018-present Professor Emeritus, Kangwon National University, Korea
2011-2012 Adjunct Professor, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan
2004-present Adjunct Professor, Okayama University, Japan1996-1997 Visiting Professor, Stanford University, U.S.A.
1988-2018 Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Kangwon National University, Korea
1986-1987 Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota, U.S.A.
1984-1986 Lecturer, Columbia College, U.S.A.
1980-1984 Teaching Assistant/Instructor, University of Missouri-Columbia, U.S.A.
1979-1980 Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas, U.S.A.
2018-present President Emeritus, Korean Economic Association
2017-2018 President, Korean Economic Association
2015-present President, Northeast Asia Network for the Future
015-2016 President, Northeast Asia Professors Association
2008-2009 President, Association of the Korean Economic Studies
2006-2007 Vice President, Korean Economic Association
2006-2007 President, Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
2005-2006 President, Korean Association of Public Finance
2004-present Vice President, Asia-Pacific Economic Association
2017-present Member, Advisory Committee, National Assembly Budget Office
2015-2017 Member, Advisory Committee, National Assembly Research Service
2014-2018 Chair, Globalization Committee, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Prime Minister’s Office
2014-2016 Chief PM, Public Finance Network for Economists
2011-2013 Member, Board of Directors, Hanzhong University
2011-2012 Chief Consultant, Strategic Review on the Greater Tumen Initiative, UNDP
2010-present Advisory Committee Member, Research Institute for Gangwon
2009-2012 Member, Advisory Committee for Macroeconomic Policy, Ministry of Strategy & Finance
2009-2010 Member, Board of Directors, Sangji University
2006-2008 Member, Public Fund Policy Committee, Ministry of Planning & Budget
2005-2013 Member, Tax System Committee, Ministry of Strategy & Finance
2005-2013 Advisory Committee Member, Korea Institute of Public Finance
2003-2010 Advisory Committee Member, Chosun Daily News
2003-2006 Advisory Committee Member, Bank of Korea
The Korean Economy: Creating Space Between China and Japan,” Arindam Banik, Munim Kumar Barai, and Yasushi Suzuki, ed., Towards A Common Future: Understanding Growth, Sustainability in the Asia-Pacific Region, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Trade Integration in ASEAN+3,” Korea and the World Economy, Vol.16, No.3, 2015. (co-authored)
Oil Shocks and the World Rice Market Puzzle: A Structural VAR Analysis,” Journal of Korea and the World Economy, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2011. (co-authored)
Pursuing Green Growth in Asia and the Pacific, Congage Learning Asia, 2010. (co-authored)
Fiscal Sustainability and Its Implication for Fiscal Policy in Korea," Journal of the Korean Economy. Vol.9, No.3, 2008.
Are Exports of China, Japan and Korea Diverted in the Major Regional Trading Blocks?” The World Economy, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008. (co-authored)
Fiscal Performance, Public Debt and Fiscal Consolidation in Korea,” Yoshinori Shimizu, ed., Economic Dynamism of Asia in the New Millenium, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2007.
Economic Integration and the Role of a Regional Development Bank in Northeast Asia,” Industry and the Economy, Vol.25, Institute of Industrial Economy, 2007.
A Method to Allocate GDP Statistical Discrepancy,” Applied Economics Letters, Vol.13, Routledge, 2006. (co-authored)
Economic Dynamism of Asia in the New Millenium, World Sicentific Publishing Co., 2006. (co-authored)
Globalization and Contemporary Issues in Public Finance, Yuhikaku: Tokyo, 2005. (co-authored)
Debt Sustainability in East Asia after the Financial Crisis,” The Journal of the Korean Economy, Vol.6, No.2, 2005. (co-authored)
Fiscal Sustainability in the Wake of the Economic Crisis in Korea,” Journal of Asian Economics, Vol 13, No 2, 2002.
Bargaining Equilibrium, Time Consistency and the Phillips Curves,” Proceedings for the 10th International Conference, Korean Economic Association, 2002. (co-authored)
Prospects and Challenges for Northeast Asia Free Trade Agreement,” Journal of the Korean Economy, Vol 3, No 1, 2002. (co-authored)
New Regionalism in East Asia and Its Relationship with the WTO and APEC,” International Area Review, Vol 5, No 2, 2002. (co-authored)
China, the World Trade Organisation and Regional Economic Cooperation,” Tran Van Hoa ed., China's Trade and Investment and Economic Globalisation, Edward Elga Publishing Co., 2000. (co-authored)